
Turn Every Space into a Place for Dementia Prevention: A Path to Lifelong Cognitive Health
As a neuro-degenerative disease with no known cure, dementia poses a significant treatment challenge in our aging society.
The "Gamma Wave Modulation Technology," co-developed by Pixie Dust Technologies and Shionogi Pharmaceuticals, transforms any sound-filled environment into a cognitive care setting to combat dementia.

Memory (Gamma Wave Sound Edit)
Tomorrow (Gamma Wave Sound Edit)
Experience the unique vibrating sound of specially modulated Gamma Wave sound that aims to improve cognitive functions just by listening to it.
Listen to Gamma Wave Sound
Listen to Gamma Wave sound-edited tracks by partner artists.
Supporting Artists
Watch to learn more about our purpose, our passion and our vision.
Project Movie
Our Expanding Alliance across Industries
Companies from various sectors have joined forces with us, united by the vision of integrating "effortless cognitive care" into everyday life through the use of Gamma Wave sound. The network of supporting companies continues to expand, with developments progressing in various domains.
Transform All Places with Sound into Places of Cognitive Care
Our vision for "Dementia Care Project by Gamma Wave Sound" is to bring cognitive care into every facet of life, whether in homes or public spaces such as senior care facilities, train stations, airports, and everyday places like supermarkets and shopping malls, accessible through various devices, including earphones, TV speakers, secondary TV audio, and radio content.

The Mechanism of Gamma Wave Sound
Research has shown that Alzheimer's patients, the most common type of dementia sufferers, have fewer gamma waves in their brains,, demonstrating exciting results of the connection between dementia and gamma waves
The Relationship Between Gamma Waves and Dementia
Natural Gamma Wave Sound Achieves the Same Effects as Previous Basic Research
We conducted tests to verify whether our developed 'Gamma Wave Sound' could induce 40Hz brain waves (gamma waves) in the human brain, similar to traditional pulse sounds. We prepared sounds with modulations of 20Hz, 40Hz, and 80Hz, as well as 40Hz pulse sounds and unmodulated sounds. For the 'Gamma Wave Sound,' which is a 40Hz modulated sound, we also prepared multiple waveform patterns including sine waves, sawtooth waves, and reverse sawtooth waves. Participants listened to these sounds in random order while we measured their brain waves. Our findings confirmed that 'Gamma Wave Sound' could induce 40Hz gamma waves in the brain, irrespective of the waveform shape. This verifies that it has the ability to induce gamma waves, just like the pulse sounds used in past research.
Gamma waves are a type of brain wave. Just as alpha waves are associated with relaxation, gamma waves are said to be connected to cognitive function.
What are Gamma Waves?

Yoshihiko Koga Professor emeritus at Kyorin University
“Dementia is a condition where brain cells die or lose their function, and this interferes with daily life. The World Health Organizaion (WHO) has issued guidance on preventing dementia, with re-evaluating of one’s lifestyle as one of the easiest ways to do so. "Cognitive training" to activate brain function through stimulating our five senses is currently the subject of various studies. In particular, auditory stimulation by "sound" has been the focus of attention for research in and outside Japan. Alzheimer’s patients report fewer gamma wave activities than healthy individuals, and a paper published by a prominent academic journal has validated that listening to 40Hz sound generates gamma waves in the mouse brain, which reduces amyloid beta protein believed to cause Alzheimer’s disease. We’re hopeful that 40Hz auditory stimulation can inhibit the progression of dementia.”
※In published statements in Harumeku (August 2023 issue) and Sarai (July 2023 issue).